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Send a message

Contracts can send interchain messages by calling the dispatch function on the Mailbox.

IMailbox Interface
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import {IInterchainSecurityModule} from "./IInterchainSecurityModule.sol";
import {IPostDispatchHook} from "./hooks/IPostDispatchHook.sol";

interface IMailbox {
// ============ Events ============
* @notice Emitted when a new message is dispatched via Hyperlane
* @param sender The address that dispatched the message
* @param destination The destination domain of the message
* @param recipient The message recipient address on `destination`
* @param message Raw bytes of message
event Dispatch(
address indexed sender,
uint32 indexed destination,
bytes32 indexed recipient,
bytes message

* @notice Emitted when a new message is dispatched via Hyperlane
* @param messageId The unique message identifier
event DispatchId(bytes32 indexed messageId);

* @notice Emitted when a Hyperlane message is processed
* @param messageId The unique message identifier
event ProcessId(bytes32 indexed messageId);

* @notice Emitted when a Hyperlane message is delivered
* @param origin The origin domain of the message
* @param sender The message sender address on `origin`
* @param recipient The address that handled the message
event Process(
uint32 indexed origin,
bytes32 indexed sender,
address indexed recipient

function localDomain() external view returns (uint32);

function delivered(bytes32 messageId) external view returns (bool);

function defaultIsm() external view returns (IInterchainSecurityModule);

function defaultHook() external view returns (IPostDispatchHook);

function requiredHook() external view returns (IPostDispatchHook);

function latestDispatchedId() external view returns (bytes32);

function dispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata messageBody
) external payable returns (bytes32 messageId);

function quoteDispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata messageBody
) external view returns (uint256 fee);

function dispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata body,
bytes calldata defaultHookMetadata
) external payable returns (bytes32 messageId);

function quoteDispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata messageBody,
bytes calldata defaultHookMetadata
) external view returns (uint256 fee);

function dispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata body,
bytes calldata customHookMetadata,
IPostDispatchHook customHook
) external payable returns (bytes32 messageId);

function quoteDispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata messageBody,
bytes calldata customHookMetadata,
IPostDispatchHook customHook
) external view returns (uint256 fee);

function process(
bytes calldata metadata,
bytes calldata message
) external payable;

function recipientIsm(
address recipient
) external view returns (IInterchainSecurityModule module);


Calling this function dispatches a message to the destination domain and recipient.


Hyperlane can only deliver messages to smart contracts that implement the handle function. See the receive a message documentation for more information.

Depending on the post-dispatch hook configuration, some payment may be required. See the quoteDispatch section for more information.

function dispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata messageBody
) external payable returns (bytes32 messageId);

Recipient addresses are left-padded to bytes32 for compatibility with virtual machines that are addressed differently. The following utility is provided in the TypeCasts library for convenience.

// alignment preserving cast
function addressToBytes32(address _addr) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32(uint256(uint160(_addr)));


// send message from alfajores to basegoerli TestRecipient
IMailbox mailbox = IMailbox("0xEf9F292fcEBC3848bF4bB92a96a04F9ECBb78E59");
bytes32 messageId = mailbox.dispatch{value: msg.value}(
bytes("Hello, world")

Quote Dispatch

Fees are often configured to cover IGP payments as well as protocol costs. These include transaction submission on the destination chain, security provisioning, and maintenance. To receive a quote for a corresponding dispatch call, you can query the quoteDispatch function.

function quoteDispatch(
uint32 destinationDomain,
bytes32 recipientAddress,
bytes calldata messageBody
) external view returns (uint256 fee) {

The quoted fee must be passed as value to the dispatch call to ensure it does not revert.


// quote sending message from alfajores to basegoerli TestRecipient
IMailbox mailbox = IMailbox("0xEf9F292fcEBC3848bF4bB92a96a04F9ECBb78E59");
uint32 destination = 84531;
bytes32 recipient = "0x00000000000000000000000054Bd02f0f20677e9846F8E9FdB1Abc7315C49C38";
bytes memory body = bytes("Hello, world");
uint256 fee = mailbox.quoteDispatch(destination, recipient, body);
mailbox.dispatch{value: fee}(destination, recipient, body);

Underpayment to dispatch will revert but overpayment will be refunded to the message sender. This enables developers to skip explicit quoteDispatch calls in favor of dispatch calls with excess value.

Post-Dispatch Hook Config

There are two hooks configured on a Mailbox

  • required: invoked for all dispatch calls with value that covers the required fee
  • default: invoked (unless overridden) with remaining value after required hook

Required Hook

To query the required hook configuration, you can call the requiredHook function.

function requiredHook() external view returns (IPostDispatchHook);

Default Hook

To query the default hook configuration, you can call the defaultHook function.

function defaultHook() external view returns (IPostDispatchHook);

To override the default hook with a custom hook in the dispatch call, see the Hooks Reference.